On-Demand Access to Continuing Education and Conference Coverage
Providing access to the information HCPs need when they need it.
Tap into our library of interactive, on-demand CME activities created especially for oncology and hematology healthcare providers (HCPs), including webinars or interactive learning modules. Covering multiple disease states and featuring expert-led discussions, these activities will guide you through treatment options and situations that are directly applicable to clinical practice. You can also catch up on conference happenings and learn the latest data and takeaways from active participants. All on-demand, giving you access to content and downloadable resources when it’s convenient for you.
On-Topic Virtual Roundtableâ„¢:
Watch Focused Discussions Between a Multidisciplinary Team of Experts
On-Topic Virtual Roundtableâ„¢ is an on-demand video in a unique micro-learning format. Delivered in segments of 30 minutes or less, the Virtual Roundtable is a single, guided discussion between a team of 3 experts, an advanced practitioner or nurse, or a patient.
Featuring discussions within a highly focused disease subset, therapeutic target, or novel treatment, this activity provides you with essential clinical recommendations needed to address treatment-related challenges. Pre- and post-test questions as well as polling throughout the activity are included, and a helpful downloadable resource is provided with the enduring video.

On-Topic Virtual Roundtableâ„¢:
Watch Focused Discussions Between a Multidisciplinary Team of Experts

On-Topic Virtual Roundtableâ„¢ is an on-demand video in a unique micro-learning format. Delivered in segments of 30 minutes or less, the Virtual Roundtable is a single, guided discussion between a team of 3 experts, an advanced practitioner or nurse, or a patient.
Featuring discussions within a highly focused disease subset, therapeutic target, or novel treatment, this activity provides you with essential clinical recommendations needed to address treatment-related challenges. Pre- and post-test questions as well as polling throughout the activity are included, and a helpful downloadable resource is provided with the enduring video.

Podium to Practiceâ„¢:
Hear Important Updates and Data Releases From Major Oncology Congresses
Podium to Practice™ is an on-demand activity centered around a 30-minute video recorded discussion between 2 experts. You’ll watch experts who are actively engaged in clinical trials and the management of patients as they cover cutting-edge data from a recent national congress or meeting. Podium to Practice™ is timely, informative, and particularly beneficial to those who may not have time to attend the conference but are looking for direction on how to incorporate the latest data into their clinical practice.
Podium to Practiceâ„¢:
Hear Important Updates and Data Releases From Major Oncology Congresses

Podium to Practice™ is an on-demand activity centered around a 30-minute video recorded discussion between 2 experts. You’ll watch experts who are actively engaged in clinical trials and the management of patients as they cover cutting-edge data from a recent national congress or meeting. Podium to Practice™ is timely, informative, and particularly beneficial to those who may not have time to attend the conference but are looking for direction on how to incorporate the latest data into their clinical practice.
Expert Insights:
Discover Expert Takeaways From Satellite Symposiums
Expert Insights gives you the opportunity to hear 2 experts discuss data presented during the latest symposiums. A recorded, 20-minute discussion between the symposium chair and a faculty expert, Expert Insights provides highlights and first-hand interpretations of clinically relevant data presented by those actively engaged in the treatment of patients. Expert Insights is a CME-certified activity and is made available to you on the Bio Ascend website for 1 year after the initial presentation.

Expert Insights:
Discover Expert Takeaways From Satellite Symposiums

Expert Insights gives you the opportunity to hear 2 experts discuss data presented during the latest symposiums. A recorded, 20-minute discussion between the symposium chair and a faculty expert, Expert Insights provides highlights and first-hand interpretations of clinically relevant data presented by those actively engaged in the treatment of patients. Expert Insights is a CME-certified activity and is made available to you on the Bio Ascend website for one year after the initial presentation.
Conference Takeaways From Attending Experts in
5 Minutes or Less
Gain access to new data and immediate interpretations of the most compelling conference moments directly from attendees. View quick-hit videos from thought leaders while they are actually at events — allowing you to discover critical learnings or takeaways in a few short minutes. Non-accredited, unscripted, and highly educational, our 5Live™ series brings the conference to those who want to be there in-person but can’t be.

Conference Takeaways From Attending Experts in
5 Minutes or Less

Gain access to new data and immediate interpretations of the most compelling conference moments directly from attendees. View quick-hit videos from thought leaders while they are actually at events — allowing you to discover critical learnings or takeaways in a few short minutes. Non-accredited, unscripted, and highly educational, our 5Live™ series brings the conference to those who want to be there in-person but can’t be.