Bio Ascend – Designing CME Solutions for a Virtual World, Our Live and Virtual CME Activities Are Designed to Keep HCPs Educated

Women Excelling in GI Oncology: We Go Together
A 2-hour live evening reception and women's forum held at the San Francisco Marriott Marquis in San Francisco
Register free today and join us for a panel presentation, discussion and networking reception presented by women leaders in GI oncology. Discussions will include branding yourself as a thought leader in GI Oncology, self-promotion and the “ick factor”, and managing your brand in GI oncology.

Virtual Challenging Case ClinicTM Discussions Between Community-Based Clinicians and Experts
Virtual Challenging Case Clinic™:
Discussions Between Community-Based Clinicians and Experts
Our Virtual Challenging Case Clinic™ is an interactive webinar series held monthly or bimonthly in select therapeutic disease areas. Similar to a virtual tumor board, each Virtual Challenging Case Clinic™ aims to link community-based clinicians with disease state experts to obtain clinical recommendations and discuss how to address challenging cases. You will engage with experts as they go through particularly challenging cases planned by various faculty – or submit your own challenging case for an open discussion.
"Very good discussion. Brief and straight to the point with good background data. Thanks for this."
B-Cell Lymphoma Virtual Challenging Case Clinic Attendee
Current Clinics
- B-Cell Lymphomas
- Multiple Myeloma
Recent Clinics
- B-Cell Lymphomas
- Multiple Myeloma
- GI Cancers

Satellite Symposia:
An Interactive Symposium at Major Oncology Congresses
Satellite symposia offer multiple formats to choose from, depending on what you are looking for. Whether it be engaging with key experts in the field as they debate the latest data and treatment practices or hearing the patient’s perspective directly through case-based discussions, satellite symposia were created to give you a comprehensive presentation on a particular disease state. Regardless of which one you choose, your interactivity with experts will always be at the forefront through engaging and informative Q&A sessions.
"I really enjoyed the patient perspective. What an awesome panel of expert speakers. Can’t imagine any better. Great job!"
-Ovarian Nurse Practitioner
Previous Satellite Symposia
- PARP Inhibitors in Ovarian Cancer
- Prostate Cancer
- Immunotherapy
- Lymphoma
- Acute Leukemias
- Multiple Myeloma
- CAR T-Cell Therapy
- Lung Cancer